POT OF GOLD $5,000
4 LEAF CLOVER $1,000
Supporting Our Community With Blarney Bash
The Visalia Rotary Community Foundation has been investing in the community since 1992, through grants and scholarships that help local organization and grow leaders. And this spring, they are raising funds for that work in a very green way.
It’s won’t just be Irish eyes that are smiling at the second annual Blarney Bash hosted by the Visalia Rotary Community Foundation on March 14, 2024, as everyone in the community is welcome. Held at ImagineU Children’s Museum, the event will celebrate all things Irish while raising funds for VRCF Programs.
Last year’s Blarney Bash saw dozens of people come out out to taste Irish drinks, play games and listen to live music. Better Yet, attendees raised over $10,000 for VRCF. This Year, the local Rotary clubs will onces again each host a new game - last year’s games included cornhole, nerf gun, horseshoes, and local clubs will staff the bar. Guitarist Erick Tyler will provide music and there will be some great prizes raffled off to. Tickets are $78 each.
This event Will help fund scholarships for Visalia students and grans for Visalia non-profits. Founded in 1992 as a collective of the five Visalia Rotary Clubs, VRCF has donated almost 2 millions in grants since 1996, and $xx in scholarships since 2000.
VRCF will give out nearly $40,000 in scholarships this year, for students interested in STEM, music and vocational tech, among others, and for students with a variety of GPA levels. VRCF grant applications, due May 1, will be given to Visalia organizations for between $2,500 and $25,000, totaling more than $100,000 every year. Last year’s grantees included Bethlehem Center, Salt + Light, Visalia Rescue Mission, Happy Trails, and more.
Guitarist Erick Tyler playing last year at our event