What we do, who we are
We seek to improve the quality of life in Visalia though Grants, Scholarships, Major Projects, and Emergency Fund Grants.
Grants from the general fund are based on needs for brick-and-mortar projects within the City of Visalia or that affect the City of Visalia. These projects must meet the charitable and philanthropic needs of this community. See Grants for more information.
Visalia Rotary Community Foundation handles several scholarships, including administering the scholarships of the Visalia Rotary Club. See Scholarships for more information.
Major Projects
The Visalia Rotary Community Foundation, in addition to the grants and scholarships, attempts to identify specific needs within the city that can be defined as a special or major project. Projects are determined by the Board of Directors after submission from the public at large as to ideas to improve the community, or from the members or the boards of each of the Rotary clubs.
Emergency Fund Grants
The Emergency Fund exists to respond to urgent needs in our community - such as freeze relief efforts. Emergency Fund Grants are considered by the board.
Statement of Purpose Synopsis
The Visalia Rotary Community foundation strives to enhance Visalia and it’s surrounding community.
Through the generosity of the Rotary Clubs of Visalia members, their families, and other philanthropic individuals and organizations, an endowment fund has been created. It is the earnings from this fund that are used for the betterment of our community.
The Foundation has the underlying belief that its investments in the community should be in the form of assistance that encourages personal or organizational development in areas such as:
The assistance of youth in their development.
Programs which encourage the disadvantaged to become contributing or self-sufficient citizens.
Programs that assist in the development of individual adults who have shown they can help themselves.
Community science, health, and environmental programs.
Cultural, artistic, and historical programs which enrich our community.
Disaster relief.